Pastor's Blog

Called Church Conference-June 14

Tim McCoy
Tim McCoy

The Called Church Conference to elect the Pastor Search Committee will be on Wednesday night, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. (following Midweek programming) in Room W-200.

As a reminder of the steps we have already taken in this succession process and of the steps yet to come, here’s a quick summary.

On Thursday, April 20, I announced to our church family by video that the time had come for the search for my successor to begin.

The first step in that search process is the election of a Pastor Search Committee. Our church Bylaws state:

“In the selection of the Lead Pastor, a committee of seven, to be known as the Pastor Search Committee, shall be nominated by the Overseers and elected at a regular or called business conference of the church. This committee shall be composed of three Overseers from the active Board and four members from the Church at large (two men and two women).”

After receiving recommendations from our church family from Sunday, April 23, through Sunday, May 7, and after careful and prayerful consideration, our Overseers have nominated the following people to serve on the Pastor Search Committee:

  • Vicki Bass – at large
  • Alex Correa – active Board
  • Ben Hinson – active Board
  • Robby Jones – at large
  • Katie Judah – at large
  • Johnny Mitchell – active Board
  • Nick Morgan – at large

Biographical information about each of these nominees is being included in our Sunday worship folders on June 4 and 11.

Once elected, our Bylaws say: “Such committee shall proceed with as little delay as possible to select a Lead Pastor whose gifts, character, and calling fit him for the office to be filled.”

At the end of the search, the Pastor Search Committee recommends that the Overseers approve, and the Church elects the new Lead Pastor (by secret ballot requiring a three-fourths vote).

As we walk through this season of succession together, I hope you will pray earnestly, serve joyfully, give generously, prize and protect our unity diligently, and anticipate the next chapter optimistically.

God is sovereign, good, and wise, and we can trust him to guide us through this season in a manner that is for our good and for his glory.

I’m glad to be on this journey with you, and I’m confident that the best is yet to come!

Your Pastor and Friend,