Change To Our Sunday Morning Worship Schedule
On Sunday, December 1, we will have our last Contemporary Service in the Multi-Purpose Gym. As you may know, Ingleside has a long history of evaluating our Sunday morning worship services and schedule and considering what will help us make the most disciples in the next season. Did you know that in the last 30 years, we have had ten different worship service schedules, which included a variety of styles along the way?
By the Lord’s grace and thanks to a church family who has been willing to adjust, worship attendance has steadily increased throughout all of those changes. Of course, a change like this may raise some questions.
Why make this change? As always, the primary question is, “What will help us be most effective in our mission in the next season?” Given the overall attendance patterns, this change will allow us to focus our resources on the services that most people are choosing to attend.
We will incorporate our Contemporary players, singers, and production volunteers into the 9:40 and 11:00 a.m. Blended Services, which will give us more musical options in that service. We believe that will help us connect with the most possible worshipers, including those who have a range of musical preferences.
Why now? I am grateful for all those who have led and worshiped in our Contemporary service for the past 8 years, and I want to acknowledge the sense of loss that this change brings for those who have chosen to worship in that service. While the leadership has remained excellent, and the worshipers have worshiped in Spirit and truth, attendance in that service has steadily decreased for several years.
At its peak in 2020, the Contemporary Service averaged 272 people. This year, it has averaged 95 people. This fall, it averaged 85 people, and in October, it averaged 73 people. During that same time, our overall Sunday morning worship attendance has increased significantly. We averaged 2001 in worship over the past 12 months, up from 1779 the previous year.
What about the Traditional Service? We will still have our Traditional Service at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel. There are no plans to make any changes to that service. I am thankful for all who lead and worship in that service.
Here’s the bottom line: We will continue to sing biblical, Christ-exalting songs and hear biblical, Christ-exalting messages in all our worship services. I hope you will be here, be fully engaged, and be praying that we will see more people than ever worshiping the Lord together!
Update on Pastor Andy
I am happy to report that Pastor Andy’s surgery went well last night. He should be home no later than tomorrow. Please continue to pray for their family as he recovers.
With the affection of Christ,