Due to inclement weather, the church office will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.
Weekday Preschool and Mother’s Morning Out will also be closed.
There will be no Midweek programming or activities. 

Pastor's Blog

Israel Biblical Study Tour

Tim McCoy
Tim McCoy

A trip to Israel can be transformative. It can forever enrich the way you read and understand the Bible.

In the summer of 2017, my wife, Beverly, and I led a group from Ingleside on an Israel Biblical Study Tour. It was a rich time of learning and fellowship.

Now, we are planning another Ingleside trip to Israel. The dates for this Ingleside Israel Biblical Study Tour are April 8-19, 2024. It will be led by our Membership Pastor, Mark Hudgins, in partnership with Andy Cook and Experience Israel Now.

Though Beverly and I will not be able to participate in this trip, it will still be a great opportunity to explore the land of the Bible with Pastor Mark and fellow Inglesiders. I hope you will consider going!

There will be an informational meeting to provide details related to the trip on Sunday afternoon, June 4, at 4:00 p.m. in Room W-200 at Ingleside. Much more information about the itinerary, what to expect, cost, how to reserve your spot, etc., will be provided at this meeting.

What:        Informational Meeting – Israel Tour
Where:      Ingleside, Room W-200
When:       Sunday, June 4 – 4:00 p.m.

Sign-up for participation on the trip will be limited to Ingleside members (and accompanying family) until the end of August. If spaces still remain, they will be made available to a wider audience beginning September 1.

Of course, the ultimate goal for the trip is to see and explore the biblical sites and connect them to Scripture in ways that help us become more fully devoted followers of Jesus – all for God’s glory!

So if you think the timing may be right for you to make a journey to Israel, I hope you will be at the meeting on Sunday afternoon, June 4.

Your Pastor and Friend,