Due to inclement weather, the church office will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.
Weekday Preschool and Mother’s Morning Out will also be closed.
There will be no Midweek programming or activities. 

Pastor's Blog

One Service Sundays in July

Tim McCoy
Tim McCoy

Again, this year, we will have one worship service only at 10:30 a.m. in the Worship Center on each of the five Sundays of July.

We will return to our full schedule on Sunday, August 6. Here’s what to expect on the Sundays of July.

Celebrate Freedom. This Sunday, July 2, we will celebrate the freedom we have in Christ and the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of the United States in our annual patriotic worship service.

The Bible says: “Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor” (1 Peter 2:17, ESV). We plan to do just that as we gather for worship this Sunday.

So invite a friend and be in worship this Sunday as we worship God and honor America. It’s always a special day!

Building a Prevailing Church in a Broken World. During the final four Sundays of July, pastors on our team will lead us through a series of messages coordinated with our A Chapter a Day readings from the book of 1 Corinthians entitled Building a Prevailing Church in a Broken World.

The preaching schedule is as follows:

  • Sunday, July 9         Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor
  • Sunday, July 16       Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor
  • Sunday, July 23      David Dargel, High School Pastor
  • Sunday, July 30      Wil Fason, Middle School Pastor

If you are in town, I hope you will be in church every Sunday in July!

Long Pastorates and Healthy Churches. Churches that have experienced health and vitality for many years are most often led by pastors with long tenures.

Of course, a long pastoral tenure does not guarantee church health. But when pastoral leadership changes every few years, church health and church growth are much less likely to occur.

A corollary is that long pastoral tenures require time away to recharge and renew. Everyone knows that putting new fuel in the tank is a necessity on a long journey.

Recognizing these principles, about twenty-four years ago, our church leaders began to encourage me to take a regular summer study break. The purpose is to listen more intently for the Father’s direction through times of fasting, prayer, and study of Scripture; to refuel and recharge—spiritually, emotionally, and physically; to learn from other churches and leaders; and to plan for the future.

So again, this year, I will be away for a combination of study break and family vacation during the month of July. I plan to be speaking again on Sunday, August 6.  Day-to-day staff leadership in my absence will be provided by our Executive Pastor, Andy Johnson.

In September, the Lord willing, Beverly and I will begin our thirty-fifth and final year of ministry at Ingleside. We are deeply grateful for the Lord’s favor across these many years and for your partnership in the gospel.

I’m thankful for you, and I remain convinced that the best is yet to come!


Your Pastor and Friend,