Pastor's Blog

Plans, Schedules, and Lots of Emotion

Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor, and Lead Pastor Elect

Plans, Schedules, and Lots of Emotion

As we near the end of one chapter and prepare for a new one, I want to acknowledge the range of emotions that many of us are feeling. There is sadness related to the end of a very good, meaningful, and fruitful season. There is also excitement about what the Lord will do in the days ahead. I trust the Lord will give us the grace we need as we both remember the past and embrace the future. As we move through this season together, I want you to be aware of our Sunday morning schedule and plans from the end of June to the beginning of August.

June 30 – A Celebration. Along with you, I am incredibly grateful for Dr McCoy’s ministry at Ingleside. It has been a privilege to serve under his leadership for the past 11 years. He has had a significant impact on my life, both personally and professionally. As you are likely aware, we have the opportunity to celebrate Dr. McCoy and Beverly on Sunday, June 30, and I want to personally encourage you to be part of that celebration as we say thanks to the McCoys and give praise to the Lord for giving them to our church family for this past season.

July – One Service Only. We will continue our pattern of having other Ingleside pastors preach each Sunday in July. I will be in the office a couple of days each week to meet with and provide leadership to our staff. I will also spend extra time in prayer, study, preparation, and visiting other churches, which will benefit our church as we move into the fall.

We will only have one worship service at 10:30 a.m. in the Worship Center for the four Sundays in July. The preaching schedule is as follows:

  • Sunday, July 7 (Celebrate Freedom service): Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor
  • Sunday, July 14: Mark Hudgins, Membership Pastor
  • Sunday, July 21: David Peterson, Discipleship Pastor/Disciple Making Team Leader
  • Sunday, July 28: Wil Fason, Middle School Pastor/Next Generation Team Leader

If you are in town, I hope that you will plan to be in worship on those days!

August 4 – A New Beginning. Sunday, August 4, will be Kickoff Sunday for all of our Next Gen ministries. Preschool, Children’s, Middle School, and High School Ministries will all meet at their normal times, and children and students will move up to their new grade level.

That day will also be an “installation day” to formally mark the beginning of my tenure as Lead Pastor and a new season for Ingleside. We will have two Blended Services in the Worship Center at 9:40 and 11:00 a.m. I look forward to kicking off a new year and a new season with you!